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From: [email protected]
Date: 09 Aug 2002
Time: 23:39:47
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It seems to me that every time i masturbate or have intercourse I have a tearing of the skin. My foreskin has bled for up to 2 hours before. I am too embarrassed to see a doctor about this because I also suffer from CED (constant erection disfunction). Any help with my LITTLE problem is appreciated. :-)
Date: 13 Feb 2000
Time: 19:04:19
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The role of bacteria in the causation of Inflammatory Bowel Disease has been fascinating scientists for a long time. Some time its one bug high up on the list of offenders, at other times, its another. We do know that germ-free mice (not exposed to any bacteria after birth) rarely develop IBD. as far as the role of antibiotics in Crohn's disease in humans, metronidazole (Flagyl), and ciprofloxacin (Cipro) are frequently used in many cases of Crohn's disease. Some experts argue that it is not the antibacterial effect of these drugs but an antiinflammatory effect that helps with the disease. In experimental models, repopulating the gut with the "good" baacteria has been shown to be helpful in IBD.